Thursday 21 July 2011

Market Activities and Directly Tourism - Fadi Karnaby

Market activities directly tourism - accommodation other than private, restaurants, cafes and bars, leisure and services arranging travel and tours (agencies, tourist offices, tourist offices ..) - products and services to stay -
Private accommodation, food, local services (transport, Hair, communication products and services ...), devices -transportation between home and place of stay, advance purchase for travel, exhibitions ... - And the products and services consumed by local customers' non-tourism "are the consumer
tourism. in fadi karnaby words

But this content is already expanded, does not highlight the role stimulating and structuring of tourism: one speaks at this stage effect multiplier due to  increases in income, therefore consumption and therefore economic activity. We see here a first characteristic of tourism, assumption of this study: the
Tourism is today and especially in the context of North-South cooperation, underestimated in its capacity development land, job creation, business and systems local production, service creation and openness to other cultural models. As it is in its adverse effects on cultures, social relations, the shift in values ​​and the integrity of natural heritage.

A second characteristic of this sector is an even Incomplete its environmental footprint and social transport long distance - strong pollutants - in a separate accounting, not are not included in tourism statistics. an oversight very damaging that weighs heavily on the capabilities of this sector be simply responsible.

Fadi karnaby