Tuesday 29 November 2011

Monastery Davidovica: New images of ancient life

REST rich freskopisa the monastery Davidovic, the Company `s, 730 years old, bygone days restorers team of painters from Italy in the last minute was saved from ruin, and cleaning and retouching continue next year. Parts freskopisa, precious works of painting from the late 13th century in the north chapel are hung, obese is collapsed, so we are first purified and then injected with lime mortar and a special glue - explain the complex process of Kamilo Taroci, world-class conservation of Bologna, his assistant Mark Paskavaluči and art historian Roza d'Amiko. Patiently, millimeter by millimeter, the Italian experts are cleaned seven squares remaining frescoes and injection, using a syringe, threw binder, grasping them for sigu, which was built in the monastery. The works were carried out under the supervision of Kraljevo Institute for the Protection of Cultural Monuments. Foreigners have to protect the heritage involved with the approval of the modest resources of the Ministry of Culture of Serbia, at the initiative of Slavoljub Pušić, Director prijepoljskog Museum. - Davidovic was four and a half century was without a roof, until the renewal 1998th year - reminds Pusica. - Part freskoppisa suffered by arson, strikes and storms of centuries, and only a half-century ago the architect Jovan Nešković conserved ruins and by time scribe freskopis NOTICE CEMENTINA mortar. It is, fortunately, was the first rescue of the frescoes in the sanctuary, and then there was no money for years, while conservationists were busy jobs in other monasteries. Happy circumstance that the Kamilo Taroci, who worked the restoration of the famous Madonna in the shadow of numerous master works throughout Italy, last fall visited the medieval buildings in the Lima valley. Then admire beauty, but wondered our negligence, and accepted an invitation to host saves slightly Davidovic, who along with Milesevo, and Spa in the entire region only has frescoes from the time of Nemanja. Even from Bologna, arrived at his own expense and with aides to the two vehicles linked materials. Maybe next summer, when the frescos are umivale decipher the secret part of the floral pigment is used to preserve the freshness of color and how the particles of grain and straw in lime mortar, tied for centuries to murals sigu Davidovic. Founder David Davidovich was raised Demetrius David, son of Vukan Nemanjić. The church was richly decorated, and the composition of the frescoes on the north chapel, where he survived only a part, was, according to the words Pušić, dedicated to the founder. Clear the figure of St towels and fragments of two figures of saints, as part of the text.

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